This website is still under development - content may be missing and errors may occur, especially in multilingualism.



Our server offers the players a capital, which is divided into different areas and offers beside a central market place and the adjacent commercial buildings, the government buildings and the residential buildings also parks and parking lots. The capital is the central hub of our world and also the place where new players enter the server. The capital is under the control of the government and the administration and is protected by various constitutional laws.

Global Currency

On our server we only use three global currencies controlled by the federal bank. The "Dollar" for general payment transactions, the "Emission Permits" for all environmental matters and the "Ration Stamps" for all matters where limits are applied. More information about the economy of our server can be found here.

Beginner Friendly

Beginners who have just purchased the game are welcome, as are returning players who have played the game before. We try to answer all questions and problems of our new players in the chat or in the discord, no matter if they concern our server or the game in general. So if you need any help, just write in the chat.


Our server is highly organized and tries to integrate real life systems into the game. This means that our server can be quite demanding, which is also reflected in the many laws and rules. Don't let this put you off, but take a second look. The strong organization ensures a balanced and fun gaming experience for all


Our server uses an interesting mixture of a constitution, laws and regulations to create the atmosphere you will find on our server. While the constitution (laws designated as such and our rules) are under the control of the administration, the laws are under the control of the players and the regulations are under the control of the government.


We attach great importance to environmental protection and realistic buildings on our server and use taxes to provide public services to our players. Our goal is a realistic design for our society and government, which resembles the political conditions in the European Union.



On the banner below you can see the address and the current number of players on the server. If you click on it, you will also get to an overview page, which gives you information about the server. There you also have the possibility to vote for our server. Please do this regularly if you like our server. You will also receive a small financial reward in-game.